Grammy-winning female a cappella ensemble, with sign language interpretation. 4 p.m. Aug. 30 on the South Lawn. Picnics welcome. Free parking and shuttle bus service. More details here. No rain date. If weather is iffy, see our Twitter page for updates.

(due to rain 8/5 & 8/12, films were bumped a week; new schedule reflected below)
Aug. 19: "The Wizard of Oz" (1939).
Aug. 26: "Singin' in the Rain" (1962).
Sept. 2: "The Music Man" (1962).
Sept. 9: "Mary Poppins" (1964).
Films will be shown on the South Lawn and start when darkness falls (8-8:30 p.m.) Picnics are welcome. Refreshments will be sold. Rain dates are one week later. Check our Twitter if the weather is iffy. See what our cinema looks like here.
Free Sunday drop-in program for children
August 2: Rock Salt Mosaic -- Create colorful textural art.
August 9: Plant a Lawn Sponge -- Using sponges and annual grass seed, children will plant their own miniature lawns. They can later mow it or let it grow into a “meadow.”
August 16: Sand Paintings in a Jar -- Pour planned rainbows or let the colors fall where they will and see what surprises develop.
August 23: Build an Orange Rind Bird Feeder -- Kids will get a kick out of watching birds eat at their own little “Orange Julius” stand.
August 30: Sound Experiments -- Create rhythm shakers and other natural noisemakers.
Programs run from 3-5 p.m. at the Dawn Redwood near the foot of the Terrace Garden.

Water Lily Walks with aquatic plants specialist Tamara Kilbane, 9-11 a.m. Aug. 6 & 20. Rain or shine. More info here.
Walk on the Wild Side tour with Stefan Bloodworth, curator of the Blomquist Garden of Native Plants, Aug. 6, 11 a.m.-noon. Rain or shine. More info here.
Please pre-register for the free walks at 668-1707.
August Classes & children’s activities: Guide to N.C. Butterflies (Aug. 8-9); Triangle Orchid Society (Aug. 10, free); Digital photography (Aug. 11, 18, 25); Successful Gardener Seminar on Weeds (Aug. 16, free); The Fascination of Waterlilies (Aug. 16, free); Native Plants (Aug. 20-22): see our brochure here for details. Also, ask about children’s activity backpack rentals and Tuesday-Thursday morning school programs.

The two August themes are Manipulations and Water, Snow and Ice. (Dinosaur manipulation above is by Gardens volunteer Wendell Hull) Join our fan page here and look under "events." Details of how the competition works are also in our earlier blog post here.