Below are some events coming up through the end of April. Please call 668-1708 for information about children's events, 668-1705 about the Spring Plant & Craft Festival, or 668-1707 for all other events. We hope to see you here!
April 9
Spring Flower Walk in the ArboretumThe Culberson Asiatic Arboretum features many fascinating plants, displayed in beautiful and ever-changing combinations. Join curator Paul Jones as he guides you to some of the little known garden spaces and unique plants. You will leave with an enhanced perspective on the arboretum. $5; free for Gardens Friends. *Event full; please
e-mail to be added to waiting list.
Fridays in April and May, 10 a.m.-noon
Nature Ranger CartLook for the colorful cart at the foot of the Terrace Gardens; it's full of simple and fun activities for children. Play flower bingo or make pressed flower bookmarks, paper butterflies, pond life pictures and bark, insect or leaf rubbings. Or get some nutritious food for the Gardens' ducks.
Saturday, April 10, 8 a.m.
Bird WalkEnjoy an early morning stroll in the Gardens with fellow bird enthusiasts and Cynthia Fox, of Chapel Hill's Wild Bird Center. Cynthia will help you to spot, identify and learn more about the birds that call this region home, even temporarily. Don't miss this opportunity to experience that one remarkable bird sighting. Children are welcome if they are age 8 or older. Please bring binoculars. If the weather is iffy, please call Alice Le Duc at 730-2503 to check the status of the walk. Free, but registration required. *Event full; please
e-mail to be added to waiting list.
Saturday, April 10, 10:45 a.m.-noon
Traditional Japanese Tea GatheringAs a guest to Tea, you will experience the patterns and poetry of
Chado, or the Japanese “way of tea,” while enjoying an enticing bowl of whisked tea and a seasonal treat. The practice of Tea is characterized by the phrase
ichigo ichie, or “one moment – one meeting.” The small class group will meet at the Doris Duke Center to be escorted by instructor Nancy Hamilton to the Durham-Toyama Sister Cities Pavilion in Duke Gardens for this intimate gathering. $30; $20 Gardens Friends. *Two seatings; both full. Please
e-mail to be added to waiting list.
Saturday, April 10, 11 a.m.
Story TimeEnjoy nature stories with your children, and help them make a take-home creation. $2 per child.
Saturday and Sunday, April 10 & 11, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Improving Photo QualityStretch your skills and learn techniques that will improve the technical and artistic merit of your photographs. Instructor Richard Cicone will focus on understanding and manipulating the variables that go into making a quality photograph. $120; $85 Gardens Friends.
Tuesday, April 13, 2-4 p.m.
A Hanging Basket for SummerA hanging basket planted with beautiful and colorful flowers and foliage will enhance your porch or deck area throughout the summer. Alice Le Duc will help you create an innovative basket of plants for that special place around your home. Please indicate when you register whether your basket will be in a sunny or shady area. All supplies included and each student will complete a basket. $55; $40 Gardens Friends. Pre-registration required, so we can purchase sufficient supplies.
Wednesday, April 21, 2-4 p.m.
Tour: Historic Gardens Color WalkThere is an astounding range of plants displayed across our gardens: perennial plants, annual flowers and foliage and tropical plants, all in wonderful combinations. Join our expert staff members in a casual walk through a variety of garden spaces to learn more about what is currently in bloom and which plant combinations they especially love. Color walks will focus on the Perennial Allée, Historic Terraces, Butterfly Garden and Memorial Garden. Tours continue in May and July. $5; free for Gardens Friends. Registration required. *Event full; please
e-mail to be added to waiting list.
Saturday, April 24, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Spring Plant & Craft FestivalLet us help you prepare for spring gardening and gift-giving, whether it be a new shrub or tree, a plant for your apartment, bird houses or scented soaps. The Gardens and other vendors will sell an array of plants appropriate for this region, including many featured in Duke Gardens. Local artisans will sell garden-related gift items. And you can also get free horticultural advice from the staff and Durham County Master Gardeners. Free admission. Join
Friends of Duke Gardens (684-5579) for an invitation to the preview sale April 23 (and -- now through June 15 -- for a free subscription to
Better Homes & Gardens). Discount student memberships available.