Hardly a moment goes by at Sarah P. Duke Gardens in which you don’t see someone training a camera on one of the myriad sights here – be it a breathtaking panorama, the wisteria-covered pergola, a group of ducklings or a dew-misted leaf.
Duke Gardens Facebook fans can now share their favorite Gardens photos in a series of online exhibits and earn votes to win prizes.
To enter, join Facebook (it’s free and easy), then go to the Facebook fan page here, sign up to be a fan and click on “events.” You’ll see six exhibit listings, each in a different category (panoramas, close-ups, etc.). Click RSVP on the exhibit topic you want and then enter the event page. You can post photos (one per member per category) or simply click “like” on others’ photos to vote for them and comment on them. Press the “share” button on the event page to tell all your Facebook friends to join and vote.
The contest ends June 29 at 1 p.m. The top vote-getter in each category will win a 2010 wall calendar. Second prize is a DVD about the Gardens’ history. Third prize is a Duke Gardens plant (for pickup only). Top prize winners may pick a lower prize if they prefer. Winners will be announced and contacted by June 30. Please check back for more contests each month thereafter.

Thanks !