Fans of the recently refurbished Fish Pool at the foot of the Terrace Gardens have been asking when we'll have koi again. Well, thanks to a phone call yesterday morning from a generous donor, we suddenly have 10 beautiful koi fish joining the goldfish in the pool. They're about 18 inches long and range in color from silver to orange, as well as cream with orange spots.
Our staff members transported the koi in large garbage cans full of water in the back of a truck. To get the koi used to the Fish Pool water, Jason Holmes poured some of the pool water into each can.

Then they waited for the fish to acclimate, while curious onlookers came for a closer look.

Staff members took turns placing the fish into their new home. Here's water plants specialist Tamara Kilbane carrying one of the mega-fish...

...while Megan Morr, of Duke Photography, awaited her underwater portrait opportunities. (Please note that this was a rare, controlled occasion in which someone was permitted to climb into the pool; this is not normally allowed, as it presents a danger to people, plants and fish alike.)

James Jenkins released a spotted koi.

Here's another, from Paul Jones.

And here are a couple of the koi (bottom right) enjoying their scenic new surroundings.

koi is amazing petfish, really