Story and Photos by Sarah Leach Smith, Visitor Services Coordinator
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that spring
has definitely sprung in Durham! Albeit a little earlier than anticipated, the
spring bulbs, flowering trees and warm weather are a welcome sight after a cold
winter. The buzzing and blooming Duke Gardens set the perfect scene for an in-depth
tour and design discussion with Bill Thomas, executive director of Chanticleer Garden in Wayne, Penn.,
as part of our “Garden Inspiration” workshop on March 18. The workshop was made
up of a mix of visitors and staff alike, and we started with introductions and
motivations for attending.
Bill began the design conversation by emphasizing the
importance of identifying strengths and weakness of your property first
before getting too wrapped up in your design and plant selection. What is the topography
like? How much sun exposure do you get? What kind of soil do you have, and what
are the existing plants? Which of the existing plants do you want to keep? With this arsenal of preparatory
questions in mind, our “roving classroom” began.
One specific topic that came up had to do with perennial
plantings under trees. One of the things that Bill had shared in his lecture the
previous evening was how Chanticleer had handled keeping visitors off the roots
of some of the oldest trees. One of the photos he showed was of a perennial
planting under a tree, so workshop participants were curious to find out more
about this strategy.
“The tree is the most
important thing,” Bill said. “That should take priority over whatever you
plant underneath, since it will live longer than an herbaceous perennial.” He
also said that it depends on the tree, since different trees can have different
root structures. Basically, if you are considering planting under a large tree,
do a little bit of research first to make sure you are pairing the right
perennials with the right tree, and allowing plenty of room for the tree’s
roots to thrive.
We wandered through the Terraces and admired the incredible
color and texture combinations created by curator Mike Owens and
horticulturists Jan Watson and Heather Seifert. We made our way up to the new
Japanese garden, Pine Clouds Mountain Stream, by way of the Fisher
Amphitheater, where several loblolly pines have just been planted to enclose
the space a bit more. A chat with stonemason Brooks Burleson provided a pleasant
break in the shade by the red arched bridge.
The roving classroom ended with a visit to the Charlotte
Brody Discovery Garden and a pause in the Spring Woodland Garden to observe the
progress on the new overlook feature. As we sat down for a tasty lunch on the
terrace, Bill shared more about projects at Chanticleer. Their most recent
garden addition has been an elevated walkway to
accommodate the steep slope of the garden’s hillside. We also introduced Bill
to the Duke-UNC basketball rivalry – a topic that we all quickly digressed to,
given the time of the year!
It was wonderful to spend this time with Bill. Not only was
his lecture about Chanticleer awe-inspiring, but the thoughts and ideas he had
to share were incredibly refreshing. We wish him the best in the promotion of
his new award-winning book,
The Art of Gardening: Design Inspiration and Innovative Planning Techniques
from Chanticleer, and look forward to visiting Chanticleer in person
sometime soon!
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