As spring unfolds, beautiful buds and blossoms are everywhere. Do you have a favorite Duke Gardens photo of a bud or blossom? We'd love to see it, and share it for others to enjoy in our Facebook Photo Contest. Please don't be shy. This exhibit & contest is open to photographers at all levels and all ages. It's just a fun way to share your love for the Gardens with others who love it here, too.
For this contest, the buds and blossoms can be of any sort and from any season, as long as the setting is here at Duke Gardens.
Here's the scoop:
TOPIC: The topic for April is buds and blossoms.
HOW TO ENTER: Email up to 3 photos for each contest to DukeGardensPhotos@yahoo.com. At least 5x7" or larger at 72 ppi is best, but if you don't know how to resize photos, feel free to send them as is, 1 per email. We will post them in an album on Facebook, with your Facebook name in the photo description. You can then add more information about the photo if you like, and encourage your friends to come see it and vote by clicking "like." You may also post the photo on our wall, but be sure to email it as well, so that it's officially in the contest and album. Only "like" votes on the album photos will count in vote tallies, though (polite) comments are welcome, too.
DEADLINE: Photos must be submitted by noon April 30. Voting will end at 10 a.m. May 1. (Voting extended until Thursday, May 3, at 10 a.m.)
HOW TO VOTE: It's simple. Just click "like" for all your favorite photos.
PRIZES: We'll have prizes for most "like" votes, as well as judges' awards. First prize is a Duke Gardens 2012 or 2013 calendar -- your choice. 2nd prize: Duke Gardens greeting cards or a 75th anniversary T-shirt. 3rd prize: discount coupon for the Terrace Shop. Entrants may only win one prize per contest theme in each tally (top votes & judges' prizes). Top prize winners may opt for lower prizes.
SHARE: Even if you're not interested in prizes or contests, we'd love for you to share your photos just for fun, and share our contest photo album with your own Facebook friends. We look forward to seeing your favorites.
LEARN MORE: Please check out our education & event listings for photo courses that you may enjoy. We also have a Nature Photography Certificate program that may interest you.
Blog photo by Paul D. Jones.
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