Students from Carolina Friends School volunteered to weed ivy near the entrance of Sarah P. Duke Gardens for their winter service project this week. It wasn't easy, but they were determined and made a big impact. Here are some photos of their efforts. You can also see a youtube video here.
Freshman Jake Hilkey feels for the end of a vine.

Freshman Davi Nydick-Cheshire works on the sea of ivy.

Junior Khalid Salim uses body weight to get the ivy to release.

Jake, freshman Tyler Keel and senior Jeron Robertson form a team.

Freshman Asante Monadjemi has a firm grip on a thick bunch of vines.

He pulls...

...and pulls....

And wins the battle

(getting a bit leafy in the process).

Asante's friends give him a hand.

And he's ready to tackle more.

Khalid and teacher Gustavo Sa confer.

Freshman Frances McDonald scans for vines.

Davi and Frances work with senior Aydin Gultekin.

Jake pulls at the high-growing ivy.

Jake works with Tyler.

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